About me
I grew up in the countryside in the south of Germany as a ‚good’ and adapted girl. Already in my childhood I was drawn to dance, I absolutely wanted to take ballet lessons. But for my parents this meant „taxi-service“, so instead they enrolled me at the local tennis club. I succumbed and instead danced in my room, just for myself. The way into womanhood – breaking through these „layers“ of being a ‚good’ girl – which actually just wanted to please and be loved – was a hard and stony path. Again and again this path led me through deep valleys and my anchor was always the dance. Already very early on I was asking myself: Who lives in this body? Who am I? I was interested in psychology, wanted to know more, was searching, for myself, the meaning of life, for more understanding and wanting to make sense. I wanted to study psychology, but life sent me on detours... I studied french and art in Freiburg. Although I had doubts during my studies – I persisted – the adapted girl was still present – and I became a teacher. Life guided me to Basel in Switzerland, where I taught for over 10 years. And in all these years I was „searching“, I took part in a variety of trainings in spiritual, bodyorientated therapies, in family constellation, shamanism, Bach flowers. But more and more I got fascinated with body movement, dancing and therapy. So I studied dancetherapy for 3 years (Wendepunkt; 2003-2006) and body psychotherapy for 5 years: Biosynthesis with David and Sylvia Boadella (2006 – 2011).
2008-2012 I built up my own dance workshops: Tanzgrund. I combined dancetherapy with elements of biosynthesis. And still, I didn´t feel like having arrived yet. I got to know the 5 Rhythms while studying dance therapy (2003). Since then they more and more became part of my life. dived into the dance, into myself, met my edges, confronted myself and realized I was shedding myself, like a snake – I could see old patterns, accepting them, holding myself in them, gradually letting them go, again and again. And I found myself on the 5 Rhythm webside studying the teacher training, again and again. When I was dancing „Medicine Dance (2012)“ with Jonathan Horan in Costa Rica I heared „the call“ and from then on there was no way back. All my fears and doubts dissolved – suddenly I „knew“ this is my way and I´m going for it.
5 Rhythms
In the 5 Rhythms I discovered a natural way of healing, a way to tap into the wisdom of the body and the soul to heal itself. I understood (with heart and mind), that the 5 Rhythms are not only a „dance“, no, they are to be found in life, suddenly they have an impact in my life.
In the dance I feel at home, I find my home inside of myself. As soon as I feel the dance floor under my feet, a release occurs in my body – I allow myself to just be - with all that is within me, I surrender to the dance unconditionally – to move with what is moving me at present. I learned to listen with more awareness to my body – very often our chattering, oh so important, thoughts are distracting us, we are thinking about the past, planning the future, wondering what others are thinking about. We judge instead of listening to ourselves. My life didn´t get „easier“ but I don´t get stuck or frozen for decades, I find my way through more quickly.
The 5 Rhythms teach me to stay in contact with myself, to be more authentic. Asking myself „What does my body, my soul want to express?“ instead of being controlled by my thoughts which do jump up and down from time to time.
„The fastest way to still your mind is to move your body.“ (Gabrielle Roth)
I did the teacher training of the 5 Rhythms for creating a space where healing with movement can happen. I have the desire to create and share a space where people get in contact with themselves, in which they relearn to listen to their body, to inhabit their body as a temple, to free themselves in the dance. I would like to accompany people on their joyful or painful path, in their passion or simply with what is moving them in the here and now.
"Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit? " (Gabrielle Roth)